Achievements 2011-12

Last year began with a trip to the Book Festival. Grace, Robert and Ruby had an opportunity to interview author Caroline Lawrence for the BBC! The first project was a study of Old Edinburgh and they worked with a Sciennes parent from Hoda Productions on a tour of Arthur's Seat to learn about its geology. They also took part in workshops about volcanoes in school and at Dynamic Earth. Calum and Emma were interviewed by BBC Radio Scotland about the project. They visited Gladstone's Land, the National Archives (to learn about Mary Queen of Scots) and the Georgian House. Mr Howie, P7 Class Teacher, led each class on a tour of Old Edinburgh and the children were enthralled by his stories about characters and events from the Old Town.


In November Mike Blair,Tom Brown and Jack Gilding dropped in, with an STV film crew. The Edinburgh rugby players posed for some pictures before holding a Q&A session. Abi Hossell, Angus Crawford and Imran Khan threw  a ball around with Mike Blair.


In January the classes visited Edinburgh Castle. They learned more Gaelic and heard about the history of the Great Hall. There was even an opportunity to try out some period costumes.

They also began a topic on Rainforests and transformed classrooms transforming with jungle vegetation trailing all around. They visited the Botanic Gardens for a workshop on rainforests and received a visit from ZooLab Rainforest Roadshow in school.

Everyone learned LOTS when they visited the glasshouses at the Botanic Gardens and really enjoyed touching snakes, frogs, lizards and other interesting creatures when ZooLab came to visit.

Cycling in the summer term was a fantastic new innovation and linked extremely well with their Transport study.

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