Monday 26 August 2013

Tall Towers

One if our first activities in Primary 7 was a simple engineering challenge where the children worked in groups to build the tallest, free standing tower that they could given a limited range of materials.  We first looked at other tall structures and thought about the shapes that are used to create strength and balance and discussed other important features such as the importance of a firm base. Next the building phase began.  Finally, we lined up all the entries to see which was the tallest.

  I was impressed with how well the children communicated with each other and built upon their planning in the construction phase by modifying their designs to deal with factors like balance and strengthening.  I think we have have some young engineers in the making!
Ms French


L.A. Dance Project workshop P7C

Last week we enjoyed an excellent dance workshop.  The workshop was delivered by dancers from the dance group, The L.A. Dance Project.  This group were in town to perform a show at the Festival at the Playhouse.  As well as teaching us about different ways to move across a space and how to link  moves together, the workshop leaders also had us invent and combine moves in groups to simulate a working machine.   The results were inventive and fun to watch.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Book Festival

Primary Seven have enjoyed lunch in Charlotte Square and are eagerly awaiting the start of the show.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

L.A. Dance Project Workshop

The Primary 7 classes have each enjoyed dance workshops with dancers from Los Angeles who are performing in the Edinburgh International Festival. Here are some photos taken by Taro in P7B: